Project: PAP Lisina, HE Vrla, Srbija
Investor: HE Đerdap, Kladovo, Srbija
Works: repair AB walls of the pump manhole
State of the structure: reinforced concrete double sandwich construction d=2x120,0 cm, with metal plates welded as waterproofing between. Visible water penetration into the concrete areas of sequels and numerous cracks and segregations. Especially critical in the area of changing the diameter of the manhole, where from the conical surface a large amount of penetrated water leaks and jeopardizes the safety (Substation, high voltage cables, electronics).
The process of restoration: All past attempts of classical procedures of injection sticking water permeable cracks and joints using PU resin or coatings with penetration materials did not give a satisfactory result (many weak spots, inaccessible surface of the vault);
Implementation of the Euras Gel Type B enabled us to, on the principle of hydraulics, inject the material in the regime of high pressure (up to 200 bar), and entering into water courses in the area of metal insulation panels, using that present water as vectors of movement of gel, permanently suppress it and prevent it’s return. The gel pH> 8.8 additionally and permanently passivated reinforcing steel and metal insulation. in the manhole (in the concrete-metal compound).
Over 35,000 kg Euras gel was incorporated It also shows a fact that in a seemingly quality concrete there are cavities filled with aggressive water in structure that were exposed to extreme impacts during construction and exploatation.