Project: Examination of the risk of corrosion of re inforcing steel influenced by acrylic gel
Investor: Deutsche Bahn, Deutschland
Research: Institut fuer Bauforschung, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Condition: Comparative analysis of all polyacrylic injectable gels for use on railway premises was conducted. 18 samples were examined and gave very different results on the stability of the pH value, which has a direct influence on the corrosion of reinforcing steel. Only two samples kept high pH of about 9.00 after 90 days, while there were samples in which the pH dropped to 1.20! Based on such results it was decided that the tested polyacrylic gels did not meet the requirements for use of railway facilities in Germany and that in the future all water-based injection materials should have a minimum of pH>10.00 in order to protect the reinforced structure (as since 2006).

Result: Euras Gel Type 10+ was developed. It is based on Gel Type B as the carrier and mineral additives that permanently raise the pH above 10.00. Tests are made in Wissbau, Essen, Germany and in the IMS, Serbia. The first sample was made back in 2007. It was experimentally used in a few projects and has given good results, as expected.

The Institute report


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