Project: Kissir dam // Jijel, Algeria
Investor: Hidrotehnika / ANBT
Works: Reparation of water breaches on concrete joints in an underground drainage tunnel

Condition of the structure: Within the Kissir dam complex there is a tunnel located underneath it, through which drainage pipes pump out the excess water from the dam water accumulation.
There have been reported water leakages on seven segment concrete joints by the main contractors technical staff (Hidrotehnika) with direct colaboration with the investor (ANBT).
During the inspection it is noticed that water leakage problems vary from one joint to another, and that the layers of previous attempts at repairing leakages have covered, to a large degree ,the true sources of water breaches. Small drainage pipes are located around active water breaches to rerout water to channels located along both sides of the tunnel.
In conclusion, the goals of Euras Technology are the complete stop of water leakages on reported joints, reparation of passive moisture of the tunnel walls as well as active breaches up to a point where both the joints themselves and the drainage pipes are dry, entire restoration of waterproofing layers, draining out the trapped water and the prevention of any future breches of water in the concrete construction.

The process of restoration: According to the typology of water breachs and in accord with conditions of the constructionsite, the materials that will be used on reparations of the Kissir dam tunnel will be Euras gel type B and Euras mortar.
During test drillings it was established that layers of previous attemps at repairing concrete joints have had a significant impact on the integrity of the construction in the damaged
areas, and that the concrete became brittle and crumbly.
Test injectings showed that the water has breached concrete joints in different ways and that several techniques will have to be applied according to the dynamic of water flow.

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