Project: Hoch Behaelter, Wasserwerk Usingen, Deutschland
Investor: Wasserbeschaffungsverband Usingen, Deutschland
Works: reapir of water penentration near revision door
State of the structure: reinforced concrete double sandwich construction d=2x35,0 cm, incorporating heavy doors as a link to potable water reservoirs and technical facilities. Visible leaks in joining zones of two walls and on metal-concrete joints.
The process of restoration: Application Euras Gel Type B enabled us to inject the material in the regime of high pressure (up to 200 bar) on the principle of hydraulics. Entering the waterways in the area of the interface between two concrete blocks and between concrete and metal and using existing water as a vector of gel movement, water is permanently suppressed and its reappearance is blocked. Additionally gel pH>8.8 permanently passivates reinforcing steel and metal construction.
More than 25 kg of gel is embedded (into concrete-metal joints). At the same time that shows how many cavities filled with aggressive water exists in seemingly quality concrete in structures exposed to extreme impacts during construction and operation.